Our approach involves
Staff with the knowledge, skills and confidence to address any safeguarding issues
Robust reporting and a commitment to learn
Leadership helping safeguarding practice to flourish
Staff training and checks
We have a robust process in place to recruit all our staff, which includes reference checks and enhanced DBS checks where they may work directly with our customers.
All our staff receive a full day’s Safeguarding training before they start in post, and they complete annual e-learning reviews of their understanding. Staff can also access a range of Safeguarding Policies and Procedures to help guide staff if they are unsure, and an on-call Manager is available at all times of day and night if required.
How concerns are raised
All concerns raised regarding any of our customers are immediately reported on our internal system, and where required will be reported to safeguarding teams in the relevant local authority. This is monitored by central teams to ensure that all concerns are being well managed and customers wellbeing is prioritised. All our teams will review any incidents, speak to customers affected and identify how their service can improve as a result.
Safeguarding leads at Look Ahead
Our organisational Safeguarding Lead is our Executive Director of Customer Experience and Quality, Nicole Njie. We also have a Designated Safeguarding Officer who is our Head of Safeguarding and Quality, Mike Bansback. They are part of our Safeguarding Panel which meets every two months and reviews serious safeguarding cases and any emerging trends.
Whistleblowing policy
We believe it’s important for staff to be able to report if they have a concern, about safeguarding or anything within their service. You can raise this concern in confidence by contacting whistleblowing@n-mencap.org.uk or call on 0300 323 0331. We take all concerns seriously and respect your confidentiality.